Entries by Havi Goffan

Multicultural Marketing for Oreo Canada

Multicultural marketing is not something that only happens in the U.S. Kraft Canada dunked its Oreo cookies in the Canadian multicultural scene with this new 30-second TV commercial. The famous Oreo cookie – which somehow seems to capture my attention and get back into my blog once again – bridges multicultural experiences in a simple and emotive […]

Location aware ads consumer engagement tops 11%

Location-aware ads guide mobile users to advertised merchant locations, reaching engagement levels of over 11%. Location-based advertising is a new form of advertising that integrates mobile advertising with location-based services. The technology is used to pinpoint consumers location and provide location-specific advertisements on their mobile devices. According to Bruner and Kumar (2007), “Location-based advertising refers to marketer-controlled information specially tailored for the […]

The meaning of gestures: body language in Brazil

Let’s cover Brazil now as our next country and explore their gestures and body language in Brazil a bit. Body language in Brazil When conversing, good eye contact is important. To not do so is considered impolite. In a marketplace, if a vendor holds his hand out, fingers extended and flips the thumb back and […]

Body language meaning in Colombia

Today we will discover the body language meaning in Colombia Colombian women will often substitute the gesture of holding forearms for a handshake. Men shake hands with direct eye contact. Once a friendship has developed, greetings become warmer and a lot more hands on –  men will embrace and pat each other on the shoulder […]

The meaning of gestures Puerto Rico

The next country and second on the series of understanding body language and Hispanic culture. The meaning of gestures Puerto Rico As in most Latin countries, people tend to stand close to one another in any social or even business setting. This relates to a different perspective on ‘personal space,’ with North Americans and many […]