
A Controversial Colorado commercial

by Havi Goffan

This is a must see….  it plays with every stereotype in the book.

Comments welcome….

In 2007, 23 percent of unbuckled car crash victims in Colorado were Latinos, prompting the Colorado Department of Transportation to create its first-ever Spanish public service announcement….

SPA: Tu troca, nadie la toca.
ENG: Nobody touches your truck.

SPA: ¡A tu hija mucho menos!
ENG: And your daughter no way!

SPA: ¿Y esa camiseta que costó tanto sudor conseguirla? ¡Ja! Ni se diga.
ENG: And that hard-earned soccer jersey? Ha! Don’t even think about it!

SPA: Si realmente cuidas lo que te importa, hazlo también cuando manejas.
ENG: If you really take care of what matters most, also do it when you drive.

SPA: Usa el cinturón y cuida lo que más te importa.
ENG: Use the seatbelt and take care of what matters most.

SPA: Un mensaje del Departmento de Transporte de Colorado.
ENG: A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation.

How Attached Are Latino Immigrants to Their Native Country?
Six out of 10 Hispanics are U.S.-born
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A Controversial Colorado commercial

by Havi Goffan

This is a must see….  it plays with every stereotype in the book.

Comments welcome….

In 2007, 23 percent of unbuckled car crash victims in Colorado were Latinos, prompting the Colorado Department of Transportation to create its first-ever Spanish public service announcement….

SPA: Tu troca, nadie la toca.
ENG: Nobody touches your truck.

SPA: ¡A tu hija mucho menos!
ENG: And your daughter no way!

SPA: ¿Y esa camiseta que costó tanto sudor conseguirla? ¡Ja! Ni se diga.
ENG: And that hard-earned soccer jersey? Ha! Don’t even think about it!

SPA: Si realmente cuidas lo que te importa, hazlo también cuando manejas.
ENG: If you really take care of what matters most, also do it when you drive.

SPA: Usa el cinturón y cuida lo que más te importa.
ENG: Use the seatbelt and take care of what matters most.

SPA: Un mensaje del Departmento de Transporte de Colorado.
ENG: A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation.

How Attached Are Latino Immigrants to Their Native Country?
Six out of 10 Hispanics are U.S.-born
Intelligent Technologies You Should Know About
Fannie Mae Launches New in Spanish Aimed at Helping More Hispanics Buy Homes

Many uses of soccer in commercials

by Claudia Havi Goffan

Have you ever wondered about the versatility of soccer in commercials? Well… we did. Here are a few brands that use soccer in their commercials very cleverly. We will start with the most expected uses for soccer and finalize with the most original ones. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

every time you manage to find humor in a situation you win

every time you manage to find humor in a situation you win

Nike and a sci-fi spy twist

Adidas – nothing is impossible

A couple of children play the soccer game of their dreams. Best use of soccer in commercials ever!

another use of soccer… Isenbeck… anti official sponsor

Super original idea to advertise yourself as the “anti” official sponsor especially if you don’t have the budget!

Brazil Autralia is coming up. So we decided to unite our cultures to achieve a common goal and say: Jump, jump, jump, little kangaroo, because we are going to bust the Brazilian’s …. Let’s celebrate with an Isenbeck for 2 pesos. Because you are not going to celebrate Brazil’s misfortune with a PIP beer sold by the Brazilians, right? Isenbeck, anti official sponsor of the Brazilian team

Commercial Direct TV

No need for words—this commercial taps into the Latin American man’s heart—first, soccer and then family, just kidding

Child’s Trust Fund—ever thought they could use soccer like this?

Let us know if you like them and feel free to send us links to your favorites!

Gatorade World Cup 2014 Ad
Aflac launches TV commercial for Hispanics
Hispanic women and Sports - Soccer or football
Sprint Lets Soccer Fans Enjoy the Game Now

An Ad that connects with the U.S. Hispanic Consumer

by Claudia Havi Goffan

Hispanic Advertising is about connecting with the U.S. Hispanic Consumer and their real-life experiences and, sometimes, it is simpler than imagined. Learn how Oreo reached the Hispanic Consumer with this outstanding campaign.

In my everyday life, I pay attention to advertisements—I simply love them. No matter where they are—TV, magazines, newspapers and even billboards—I can’t get enough of them. The one exception is Internet ads. They have to be extraordinary to capture my attention as a marketer. Companies are just simply not investing enough creativity on them yet. As a Hispanic marketer and a Latino woman, my heart melts when I realize a company has made “the” total connection with the Hispanic consumer. A great example is this magazine ad that Nabisco produced for its Oreo brand.

It features a dad, a child, an Oreo cookie with the caption: “Dad learns to eat Oreos from me.”

This Oreo Print Ad speaks to the Hispanic market acculturation experience

This Oreo Print Ad speaks to the Hispanic market acculturation experience

Hispanic children, either born in the U.S. or abroad, are exposed to many experiences that their non- or semi-acculturated parents may never experience, unless it’s through them. So, how do you think a Hispanic dad will learn to eat an Oreo the American way?

That’s why this ad works. There are no stereotypes. There is only a human truth.

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never lose your sense of wonder
Multicultural Marketing
Wendy's Launches Campaign for Hispanic Consumer Market

Quote of the Day

Absolutely love reading this quote. I never get tired of it. Apple Ad great words

Apple Ad great words