5 soccer commercials that will blow your mind

Many uses of soccer in commercials

by Claudia Havi Goffan

Have you ever wondered about the versatility of soccer in commercials? Well… we did. Here are a few brands that use soccer in their commercials very cleverly. We will start with the most expected uses for soccer and finalize with the most original ones. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

every time you manage to find humor in a situation you win

every time you manage to find humor in a situation you win

Nike and a sci-fi spy twist

Adidas – nothing is impossible

A couple of children play the soccer game of their dreams. Best use of soccer in commercials ever!

another use of soccer… Isenbeck… anti official sponsor

Super original idea to advertise yourself as the “anti” official sponsor especially if you don’t have the budget!

Brazil Autralia is coming up. So we decided to unite our cultures to achieve a common goal and say: Jump, jump, jump, little kangaroo, because we are going to bust the Brazilian’s …. Let’s celebrate with an Isenbeck for 2 pesos. Because you are not going to celebrate Brazil’s misfortune with a PIP beer sold by the Brazilians, right? Isenbeck, anti official sponsor of the Brazilian team

Commercial Direct TV

No need for words—this commercial taps into the Latin American man’s heart—first, soccer and then family, just kidding

Child’s Trust Fund—ever thought they could use soccer like this?

Let us know if you like them and feel free to send us links to your favorites!

Gatorade World Cup 2014 Ad
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