Entries by Havi Goffan

The 36 Rules of Social Media

Here is a compilation of the 36 Rules of Social Media from key social media gurus and marketers from all industries. It was put together by Fast Company and it illustrates some of the best practices to going about your social media strategy and execution. Even though some of these are not meant to be written in stone and […]

Andy Warhol Famous Campbell’s Soup Cans

We dedicate this Friday’s post to an icon: Andy Warhol. Did you know how he displayed the paintings on his first one-person exhibition? Here it goes. Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans transformed him into an overnight sensation when they were first exhibited in Los Angeles in 1962. It was his first one-person exhibition organized by […]

Mobile Marketing Campaign against Drunk Driving

Budweiser launched this mobile marketing campaign in Argentina in a wonderful effort to generate awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. The campaign, called “Termina bien la noche, escanea este codigo” (“End the night well, scan this code”), had simple but quite effective mechanics. Budweiser handed out coasters with a QR code at the bars, […]

Latinos Online 2012 Study

A Latinos Online 2012 study was presented by comScore, world leader in measuring of the digital world. The Latinos Online 2012 study shows a mexican online population reaching 27.9 million unique visitors in June 2012 and consumed an average of 20.5 hours per month per visitor. Other important discoveries included in the report are: Mexicans […]

Buzz marketing Campaign with Flash Mob for Nivea

The art of the flash mob has been used for protests, satire, entertainment and artistic expression. As a familiar trend in the advertising industry, can agencies and brands reinvent them for 2012? The Wow Factor with Q10+ skin This buzz marketing campaign was released in April 2012 in the town of Rouen, France for Nivea […]