17 Pinterest Statistics For Business You Need To Know
Still haven’t made up your mind about being on Pinterest or not? New year, New Platform! And to help wipe away all doubts, I leave you with these 17 Pinterest statistics for business to begin planning your 2015 Pinterest strategy now!
1. In the U.S. alone, Pinterest has 53 million active users – or, 22% of the population of 16 years of age and older and according to the last Census the number was 243.3 million. Twitter has 57 million, but this number includes users from the U.S. and Canada.
2. 66% increase in yearly visits, year after year. More than any other social network.
3. Are women your main audience? While Instagram moves each day closer to equilibrium between its visitors’ genders, 80% of Pinterest users are women. Although lately, more men have been jumping into the visual search engine platform. In fact, 33% of the new users in the last 3 months are men.
4. $123.50 is the average amount of a sale originated in Pinterest. $54.64 is the average amount of a sale originated in Facebook. This accounts for a 126% difference. Not bad, huh?
5. You’d better have a responsive site (one that provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices like desktops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) because the majority of Pinterest users access the platform via their smartphone
6. If you are in the food industry then, you are in luck! Food is the most shared topic on Pinterest! 57% of Pinterest visitors or Pinners share or Pin about food. This is followed by Home (40%), DIY (34%), Fashion (30%), Products (26%), Vacations (25%) Humor (25%), Tourism (22%), Education/Inspiration (20%), Children (14%) Weddings, Gardening, Health and others.
7. Together with Snapchat, Pinterest is one of the favorite social platforms of Millennials (18-32 years old) Snapchat attracts an even younger audience, one that starts at 13 years of age. As far as Pinterest statistics for business go, this one is great news for brands trying to capture the attention of this young audience.
8. 15% of Pinterest users do not use any other social platform.
9. Pinterest statistics for business would not be complete without a look at the generations on Pinterest: 33% Gen Y, 27% Gen Z, 14% young Boomers and 10% older Boomers. The silent generation does not fall behind with a 6% And even though these are estimates, they paint a very powerful picture.

Pinterest brings an average of 300% more referral traffic to your site than the traffic generated by Facebook with a lower investment in budget, time and effort.
10. 27% of Pinterest users follow brands.
11. 52% of Pinners check Pinterest while shopping at a store.
12. Moms on Pinterest share 3 times more than the rest of the users on Pinterest.
13. 47% of U.S. online shoppers bought something as a result of a Pinterest recommendation – Yup! Pinterest recommends.
14. 30% of Pinners prefers to be on Pinterest rather than watch TV and 64% has been inspired by an activity discovered on Pinterest and gives it a try.
15. 31% of Pinterest users are not bothered by Pins Promoted by brands.
16. In 2013, 45% of the Fortune 500 companies had a corporate Pinterest account.
17. Pinterest brings an average of 300% more referral traffic to your site than the traffic generated by Facebook with a lower investment in budget, time and effort.
Do you believe these are strong enough Pinterest statistics to have you start working on your Pinterest business strategy?
Now check out “How To Successfully Market To Latinos on Pinterest“
Pinterest Statistics for Business Sources: Ahalogy, Pinterest reports, RJ Metrics, Target Latino

Pin Away!! We added this photo mixing pets, food, family and humor. Let’s see how far it goes on your board!!!