
Latinos Online 2012 Study

A Latinos Online 2012 study was presented by comScore, world leader in measuring of the digital world. The Latinos Online 2012 study shows a mexican online population reaching 27.9 million unique visitors in June 2012 and consumed an average of 20.5 hours per month per visitor.

Latinos Online Study | PhotoOther important discoveries included in the report are:

  • Mexicans consumed 7.8 hours/month per visitor on social networks
  • Politics sites saw a 384% growth in the a month of visitors since last year
  • 81.7% of the Mexican internet audience watched online videos
  • The biggest amount of visitors to retail sites were made in Hardware and Computer Software
  • 3 of 5 internet visitors in Latin America are 35 or younger
  • Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico have the youngest users online
  • Google sites are the most visited destination in Mexico, Facebook has the most activity
  • Mexicans access instant messaging, blogs and photography sites more than the global average
  • Facebook leads and will continue to grow; LinkedIn and Tumblr have an impressive growth in Mexico
  • 8.7 hours consumed on Facebook on average per visitor in Mexico. 90% penetration in Mexico
  • Youtube is the most popular entertainment site in Mexico, reaching 76% of the audience
  • Mexican users see 157 videos on average per user
  • Mexican visitors of business/finance sites is still the lowest in the region.
  • Windows Live Messenger is overwhelmingly the favorite of Mexico.
  • Sites for lifestyle, in particular those focusing on women and family visits lead the community.
  • Education sites attract 42% of Web population in Mexico.
  • The UNAM is the most visited site in Mexico in the Education category.
  • Mexico leads together with Chile in traffic of mobile devices connected in the region.
  • Brazil and Mexico are the most used tablets.
sometimes people with the worst past end up creating the best futures | #inspirational #quote

sometimes people with the worst past end up creating the best futures

Source: comScore

Image: Shutterstock

Females More Likely Than Males to Buy Online in Latin America

Consumers in Brazil and Argentina Most Likely to Make Purchases Online, Females More Likely Than Males to Buy Online in Latin America

comScore, Inc. released results from a study of the e-commerce landscape in Latin America. The study, which surveyed nearly 800 respondents, looked at e-commerce activity across Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru as well as online banking behaviors, mobile activity and Twitter usage. The study found that although the majority of visitors to e-commerce sites in Latin America make purchases online, retailers still face obstacles in converting many consumers to online shoppers due to concerns over transaction security, availability of payment options and the selection of goods available online. The results of the study were also presented to the Latin America E-Commerce Association event held in Bogota on December 1.

Consumers in Brazil and Argentina Most Likely to Make Purchases Online, Females More Likely Than Males to Buy Online in Latin America

Consumers in Brazil and Argentina Most Likely to Make Purchases Online, Females More Likely Than Males to Buy Online in Latin America

“Relative to other global regions, the e-commerce industry in Latin America is still in its infancy, but consumers are showing encouraging signs of adopting the channel,” said Alejandro Fosk, senior vice president of Latin America for comScore. “With 3 out of 5 Internet users in Latin America visiting retail sites each month, it is clear that consumers are interested in online shopping. In order to convert these browsers to buyers, retailers need to address consumers’ concerns about purchasing online in order to help the e-commerce industry develop to its full potential in this region.”

E-Commerce Site Visitors in Brazil Most Likely to Make Purchase

Among those who visited e-commerce sites in Latin America, 79 percent of males reported making an online purchase, while 88 percent of females reported doing so. Across the markets included in the survey, Brazil showed the highest percentage conversion of online e-commerce site visitors to purchasers with 94 percent of visitors in Brazil making an online purchase. Argentina followed at 89 percent, with 84 percent of e-commerce site visitors in Colombia doing so.

Question: Do you make purchase online, in addition to your offline purchases? (Of those that visit e-commerce websites)October and November 2010Source: comScore, Inc.

Percent E-commerce SiteVisitors that MadePurchases Online
Latin America by Gender
Males – Latin America79%
Females – Latin America88%

Security Reasons the Main Concern for Prospective Online Shoppers

Of those that did not purchase online, security ranked as the main concern among prospective shoppers. Specifically, 68 percent of females listed security concerns as a reason why they do not make purchases online, with 48 percent of males reporting this as a reason. Preferring to shop in person rather than online was also a main deterrent to online shopping, with 38 percent of males and 32 percent of females reporting this as a reason. Consumers also reported that type of payment options offered hindered their adoption of online purchasing (35 percent of males, 32 percent of females) as well as shipping costs (30 percent of males, 42 percent of females).

Question: Why do you not make purchases online? (Of those respondents that did not make purchases online) October and November 2010 Source: comScore, Inc.  (Percent of Latin AmericanConsumers )

Reason for Not Purchasing OnlineMalesFemales
Security reasons48%68%
Prefer shopping in person rather than online38%32%
The type of payment options offered35%32%
Shipping costs30%42%
Not as good of a selection online as offline13%5%

3 out of 4 Online Shoppers in Argentina Prefer to Make Purchases at Local Websites

An analysis of consumer preferences regarding purchasing at international versus local e-commerce websites revealed that consumers in Argentina have the strongest preference to shop at local websites with 3 out of 4 consumers preferring this option. More than half of consumers in Brazil and Colombia also preferred shopping at local websites, while slightly more than half of consumers in Mexico, Chile and Peru preferred international websites for online shopping.

Question: If given one option, would you prefer to shop on International or Local Websites? (Of those respondents that make purchases online) October and November 2010 Source: comScore, Inc. (% of Consumers)

Local WebsitesInternational Websites

Mr. Fosk added, “Across most markets, consumers show little preference for shopping at international versus local e-commerce Websites, revealing that this differentiation is of minor consideration in consumers’ online buying decisions. Both local and international retailers have the opportunity to penetrate the Latin America region.”

i have a feeling that my guardian angel

i have a feeling that my guardian angel

SOURCE comScore, Inc.

Latina bloggers are a force to be reckoned with

They are Latinas. They are strong, modern, intelligent and love to share their opinions. They are constantly contributing to the blogosphere. They are the Latina bloggers.

And, LATISM (Latinos in Social Media), a non-profit organization that groups Latinos who actively participate online, has performed an invaluable survey of over 900 Latina bloggers and has shared these incredible insights with all of us.

Thank you, LATISM!!!

Perhaps reflecting the makeup of the larger Latino population, the great majority of participants were born in Mexico and the US | Latina Bloggers Study

Perhaps reflecting the makeup of the larger Latino population, the great majority of participants were born in Mexico and the US

This is an excerpt from the LATISM survey on Latina bloggers (July 2010):

The world has certainly changed a lot since our “abuelitas” (grandmas) used to keep a secret dairy. Today’s Latinas are open-minded, opinionated and love to share their innermost  thoughts online… in two different languages!

At the same time, while they have shed certain traditions, these independent heads of households have managed to tap into the gregarious aspect of our culture: the sense of community,  which earned high marks as a main motivator to start posting.

They have succeeded at planting themselves right at the epicenter of merging worlds: between tradition and modernity, between English and Spanish, between American and Latino cultures.

The intrinsic characteristics of blogging, where the private becomes public and communities rally together around common interests, make it the perfect platform for the Latina Passion.

  • The number of blogueras has been climbing steadily for the past 10 years but the numbers really skyrocketed last year: 63% started blogging in 2009 and it’s expected to continue climbing.
  • Most feel being a Latina has helped them find sponsorships and readers but in general feel they get less opportunities compared to non-Latinas
    • Young: The largest group is between 30 and 39
    • Mothers: 83% has between 2 and 4 kids
    • Heads of household:  70% is either single, divorced or separated
  • Commitment:
    • 75% blog two or more times a week
    • 77% have invested in their own domain
  • 98% plus are active in social media
  • A surprising 72% blog primarily in English
  • Mobile:
    • 81% use their phone to tweet
    • 90% use it for FB
    • 93% use apps

You can access the full report here

Source: LATISM

You can't live your life for other people - You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love

You can’t live your life for other people – You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love

An Aloe Vera Juice Site for the Hispanic Market?

Aloe Vera is a Hispanic folk remedy that has found its way into other cultures and into many skin creams. It has a strong soothing effect when applied directly from cut leaves. A bit gooey at first but oh so refreshing.

Aloe Vera is used to treat cuts and burns on the skin, it is believed to have skin rejuvenation powers and when in liquid form, it helps boost the immune system.

I still remember the words of one american surgeon that advised me to drink Aloe Vera juice during the 10 days before a surgery. How’s that for culture penetration?

Now US Farms, Inc., announced the launch of its new Hispanic focused web site, which will operate as a division of US Farms Inc.

Aloe Vera Plant

US Farms Aloe Vera Juice retails for $14.95 per bottle or wholesales for $89.95 per case (12 bottles). US Farms Aloe Vera Juice can be ordered online with Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express or by calling their customer service.

US Farms Aloe Vera Juice is an exclusive proprietary formulation which includes: Aloe Vera Juice (Barbadensis Miller), White Grape, Cranberry, Concord Grape and Black Cherry juice concentrate which are potent anti-oxidants and phyto-nutrients.

If you are interested in sampling their new and exciting Aloe Vera Juice will be offered for a limited time, a free 32 oz. bottle of US Farms Aloe Vera juice. Visit their website at

About US Farms Aloe Vera Juice

What sets US Farms Aloe Vera Juice apart from others is our farm fresh crop. Our Aloe Vera is hand harvested and cultivated using the best farming practices to ensure the highest quality. We blend our high-grade Aloe Vera with just the right amount of all-natural fruit juices to give it a great taste.

Aloe Vera has been known for centuries and used by people thought out the world. Aloe Barbadensis Miller (leaf inner gel) contains a wide variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. These nutrients, along with the phyto-nutrients in the fruit juices, as well as the anti-oxidants they contain, they say makes their Aloe Vera juice the perfect complement to an active lifestyle.

We know all of us can enjoy the rewards of adding Aloe Vera Juice to our diets. Will we?

Source: US Farms, Inc.

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