Best Latino Advertising Campaigns 2011
by Target Latino
The year is coming to an end and we decided to look for advertising campaigns in Spanish or created by Latino Ad Agencies that we consider to be the very best of 2011 and share them with you. Here is our list of the five Best Latino Advertising Campaigns 2011:
Best Latino Advertising Campaigns 2011
#5 – Campofrio Finisimas: A very original and humorous way of advertising ham.
Finísimas Campofrío humorously bets on the re-incarnation theory on its new advertising campaign. It features two frogs that explain the pros and cons of being human while they jump across a freeway packed with danger. Marcelino is the reincarnation of a government attorney and is highly concerned with his previous life health while his new friend becomes fascinated by the possibilities of being human that he commits suicide against a truck’s windshield. This campaigned broadcasted nationally and had digital, social media and movie theater and international versions.
Young frog: Flies!
Old frog: Flies… ush, bummer!
Young frog: What do you expect? We’re frogs…
Old frog: Frog, speak for yourself, this is my reincarnation, my name is Marcelino, and I used to be a government lawyer.
Young frog: What do you mean, “you were human”?
Old frog: You are born, and they give you a slap in the ass, you need to learn English so you don´t become a “loser”, you control your calories, triglycerides, intestinal transit and kapoom!
Young frog: what a chump!
Young Frog: (If I were a rich man song tone)
If I were a human, I would grow a mane and name myself Brad… To Vegas I would move and I would get a Chinese tattoo even if I don’t know what it means…
If I were a human, I would become the driver of the beach volleyball women’s team from Sweden, creative, hippie, anything not to have to work!
Young frog & Snake: I…would buy a chihuahua, a water bed and a mega ham platter… I would fall in love a looooooot!
(Spanish Guitar sound)
Old frog: Goodbye figure!
VO: You never know what you will be in the next life
Man: Hmmm… and I was living in a Pond!
VO: So take good advantage of this one, Campofrío Finissimas
Pigeon: If I were human…
Campofrio Finisimas: A very original and humorous way of advertising ham.
NEXT>> #4 H2oh! Drink by BBDO Argentina – Cannes Lions 2011 Gold winner
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