
Latinos Online 2012 Study

A Latinos Online 2012 study was presented by comScore, world leader in measuring of the digital world. The Latinos Online 2012 study shows a mexican online population reaching 27.9 million unique visitors in June 2012 and consumed an average of 20.5 hours per month per visitor.

Latinos Online Study | PhotoOther important discoveries included in the report are:

  • Mexicans consumed 7.8 hours/month per visitor on social networks
  • Politics sites saw a 384% growth in the a month of visitors since last year
  • 81.7% of the Mexican internet audience watched online videos
  • The biggest amount of visitors to retail sites were made in Hardware and Computer Software
  • 3 of 5 internet visitors in Latin America are 35 or younger
  • Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico have the youngest users online
  • Google sites are the most visited destination in Mexico, Facebook has the most activity
  • Mexicans access instant messaging, blogs and photography sites more than the global average
  • Facebook leads and will continue to grow; LinkedIn and Tumblr have an impressive growth in Mexico
  • 8.7 hours consumed on Facebook on average per visitor in Mexico. 90% penetration in Mexico
  • Youtube is the most popular entertainment site in Mexico, reaching 76% of the audience
  • Mexican users see 157 videos on average per user
  • Mexican visitors of business/finance sites is still the lowest in the region.
  • Windows Live Messenger is overwhelmingly the favorite of Mexico.
  • Sites for lifestyle, in particular those focusing on women and family visits lead the community.
  • Education sites attract 42% of Web population in Mexico.
  • The UNAM is the most visited site in Mexico in the Education category.
  • Mexico leads together with Chile in traffic of mobile devices connected in the region.
  • Brazil and Mexico are the most used tablets.
sometimes people with the worst past end up creating the best futures | #inspirational #quote

sometimes people with the worst past end up creating the best futures

Source: comScore

Image: Shutterstock

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Note: The Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million US internet users. Hitwise measures more than 1 million unique websites on a daily basis, including sub-domains of larger websites. Hitwise categorizes websites into industries on the basis of subject matter and content, as well as market orientation and competitive context. The market share of visits percentage does not include traffic for all sub-domains of certain websites that could be reported on separately.

There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept - Gaelic Proverb

There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept – Gaelic Proverb