
Census Facts on Hispanics of Mexican origin

29.2 million

Number of U.S. residents Hispanics of Mexican origin in 2007. These residents constituted 10 percent of the nation’s total population and 64 percent of the Hispanic population.

18.25 million

Number of Hispanics of Mexican origin who lived either in California (10.97 million) or Texas (7.28 million). People of Mexican origin made up more than one-quarter of the residents of these two states.


Median age of people in the United States of Mexican descent. This compares with 36.7 years for the population as a whole.


Number of Mexican-Americans who are U.S. military veterans.

1.3 million

Number of people of Mexican descent 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher. This includes about 362,000 who have a graduate degree.


Among households where a householder was Hispanic of Mexican origin, the percentage of married-couple families with own children younger than 18. For all households, the corresponding percentage was 21 percent.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau