Help Chile – A letter from Bio-Bio
My name is Francisco, I´m a filmmaker originally from Chile. I came to my beautiful country to spend a valuable time with my family at my lovely region in Chile. The same Region that now is devastated due the past quake, and the chaos is everywhere. We as Chileans, are use to have quakes, we are strong people, and we will re build our Nation again and this time, stronger than never. However, we need your help this time for the little ones. That´s why, I kindly ask you, to help Chile, whether you are doing it through an organization or not.

Saturday’s Chile earthquake was so powerful that it likely shifted an Earth axis and shortened the length of a day, NASA announced Monday.
I´m in Region del Bio-Bio right now, and my people is suffering. Specially the kids at our Child Care Facility, named CONIN CHILLAN. ( <> )
We need lots of diapers, any kind of diapers, as much as you can. They don´t have a steady service or electricity or water, they have some tough areas and slums surrounding the child care facility, and they are running out of diapers for the kids.
You can ship that from the US, or everywhere, labeling your package for Chilean Customs as:
Chile Earthquake
José María Caro 565.
Pobl. Vicente Pérez Rosales
Tel: (+56-42) 423220
ZIP: 3780000
If you need some assistance in order of how to proceed, please don´t hesitate to contact me.
Francisco Campos-Lopez
Phone: +56 42 274559
Mobile: +56 9 7 423 0398
Photo source: National Geographic
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RT @nyc4chile: Help Chile – A letter from Bio-Bio – [link to post] via @camposlopez
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Help Chile – A letter from Bio-Bio – [link to post] via @camposlopez
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rt @TargetLatino @KetyE @LoriGama @jessienuez @UrbanJibaro Help Chile–A letter frm Bio-Bio [link to post] #chileearthquake #chile Pls RT
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@KetyE @LoriGama @jessienuez @UrbanJibaro Help Chile – A letter from Bio-Bio [link to post] #chileearthquake #chile (pls RT)
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