Five Foundations For Online Marketing From Coca-Cola

Five Foundations For Online Marketing From Coca-Cola

It seems that Coca-Cola focuses on the fundamentals when it comes down to online marketing.

They use five key foundations for the online marketing efforts. Add value. Be transparent. Be consistent and follow through. Be receptive to change. Surprise and delight your customers.

These are some premises many talk about but not often delivered.

  1. Add value. Bring value into every interaction.
  2. Be transparent. Listen to what your brand owners are saying. You are not your brand owner. You are the steward of your brand.
  3. Be consistent and follow through. Stay on brand strategy and stay true to who you are. Make human connections, which we all share, better and more meaningful.
  4. Be receptive to change. Mix things up to keep it fresh.
  5. Surprise and delight your customers. Again, keep things interesting and fresh.

Online Marketing from Coca-Cola: Campaigns result

For the world and this one was for Friendship Day in Latin America, they created “La Máquina de la Felicidad” or “The Happiness Vending Machine” and the success was outstanding. See for yourselves.

This one took place in the U.S. and with a different twist and an amazing ending. Wouldn’t you share online what is taking place? 🙂

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